Friday, 8 May 2020

Warcry Battle Report 1: Sacrosanct Chamber vs. Jack's Pack

So with the terrain assembled, the models painted, and the lists I shared previously, it was time for my wife and I to play our first game of Warcry!

The scenario

To keep things simple I opted to play one of the scenarios from the Tome of Champions, with no Twist card. This means the objectives are symmetric, so there's less chance one of us will be completely screwed by the set-up, and no weird rule to remember for our first game.

We rolled a 6 and so were set to play the following:
Nothing too weird for our first game

The game

With only my Sequitor with Greatmace in my Hammer, it meant I was starting the game with not much on the board. I rolled two Doubles (bleh), won initiative, and then forgot that I could opt to go second. That meant I spent a double to Rush forward onto an objective, and promptly got shot at for my trouble.
2:1 to her at the end of round 1
All of our reinforcements came on at the start of round 2. My plan was to hold each of my objectives with a Castigator, and have my melee units go for my wife's objectives.
Both our reinforcements came on at the start of round 2
By the end of the round my Evocator in the top-left had Leroyed towards my wife's leader, but failed to kill him. He's a Space Marine using Stormcast rules, so is a veritable tank, but he also hits like one: his shooting finished off my Sequitor before he got to do any damage :¬( In the bottom it was better, as although the damage from the Sister with the Meltagun took me by surprise I was able to kill the Termagant.
End of round 2, and it's now 4:3
Round 3 saw the Sister do further damage to my leader, but he was able to kill her and move off towards my wife's right objective. On the left her horde started to move towards my objective, whilst my Evocator failed to kill her leader.
End of round 3, and it's 6:5
Unable to kill Jack, my Evocator failed to take this objective
Round 4 was the last round, and saw us exchange objectives: I took her one on the right, and she took mine on the left.

My Shield stealing her objective
Her dudes stealing mine, but at least the rat was dead!
And so with that the score was 10:9 to her! I lost because, with only one model on the board in turn 1, I was unable to secure both of my home objectives on that turn. Otherwise we'd have played another round, and that would have been interesting.


After the battle she lost (read: dead) one of her Snotlings, Fee, and the Skaven, Ratatouille, and so immediately "hired them back" by spending two glory. She got a cool consumable item that would give her +D3 Wild Dice in one game, whilst I got... +1 Toughness. On a Stormcast. Utter junk!


I really enjoyed myself, and she says she did too, so we played another game the very next day :¬)

This game felt challenging to me. Mainly due to my wife as she's a very fast learner at board games; by the end of the game she was already second-guessing my moves and planning around them, and had worked out the importance of the activation economy.

Stormcast also feel difficult to learn. I've never been a fan of slow elite forces and these guys are pretty extreme in that regard, so in any mission that involves objectives these guys are fighting uphill.

Which meant I was really looking forward to trying out my Goblins the next day!

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