Before posting any battle reports, I thought it would be a good idea to quickly list what is in our warbands.
Me: Sacrosanct Chamber
995 points of slow, hard-to-play, surprisingly fragile models with awful abilities ;¬)
The male Evocator will be added once I get... [does maths] ...a lot more glory :¬/ |
- Evocator Prime (male) - Agastian
- Castigator (male) - Bibatsu
- Castigator (female) - Chanda
- Greatmace Sequitor - Daitian
- Evocator (female) - Ella
More images are
Me: Gloomspite Gitz
985 points this time, and I'm wishing I had a Sneaky Snuffler as that would be a great 15 point upgrade to take me to 1000, but oh well!
Arrayed for their first battle |
- Boingrot Boss - Boss Arfa
- Squig Hopper - Ser Stabzalot
- Squig - Nasha
- Stabba - Skwire
- Stikka - Pokezit
- Netta - Prog da Netta
- Shoota - Redkap
- Shoota - Stikkit
- Shoota - Dibbz
More images are
My wife: Jack's Pack
Playing with your own toy mans is definitely the most fun, especially in a campaign setting like Necromunda, Blood Bowl or Warcry. So to let my wife do just that, I decided to create a custom warband for her, based on her
somewhat eclectic mix of painted models. It was surprisingly easy and came to 995 points.
Jack, her first model and the warband's leader |
Szczepan the Fanatic, and her best model to date (it is amazing for a third model!) |
- Space Marine (Raptor-Prime with Hurricane Crossbow) - Jack
- Fanatic (Savage Orruk with Bone Totem) - Szczepan
- Sister of Battle with Meltagun (Grundstok Thunderer with Aetheric Fumigator but with +1 Move, +3 Wounds, and +20 points) - Jadwiga
- Guardsman (Goblin Shoota) - Willard Strawbelly
- Termagant (Namarti Reaver) - Terry
- Termagant (Namarti Reaver) - Maggie
- Linerat (Skaven Clanrat with Shield) - Ratatouille
- Lineork (Savage Orruk Morboy) - Bjork da Orc
- Snotling (Gnoblar) - Fee
- Snotling (Gnoblar) - Dollop
Their abilities are:
- The Termagants keep the Reavers' double ability, but renamed to "Living Ammunition"
- The Skaven, Jadwiga, and a future pet get the Skaven universal double, renamed to "Hasty Retreat"
- The Lineork gets his double, renamed to "Duff 'Em Up!"
- Jack keeps the Rapid Fire triple
- The Snotlings keep the Sneaky Traps triple
- Szczepan loses the toughness buff, and gains the AoE damage quad that Idoneth and some other warbands have
With 10 models and decent shooting, I think this is a powerful warband. It lacks a terrifying melee bruiser, but Szczepan and Jadwiga can play that role well and there is a lot of damage overall.
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