Friday, 8 May 2020

Warcry: Our warbands

Before posting any battle reports, I thought it would be a good idea to quickly list what is in our warbands.

Me: Sacrosanct Chamber

995 points of slow, hard-to-play, surprisingly fragile models with awful abilities ;¬)
The male Evocator will be added once I get... [does maths] ...a lot more glory :¬/
  1. Evocator Prime (male) - Agastian
  2. Castigator (male) - Bibatsu
  3. Castigator (female) - Chanda
  4. Greatmace Sequitor - Daitian
  5. Evocator (female) - Ella
More images are here.

Me: Gloomspite Gitz

985 points this time, and I'm wishing I had a Sneaky Snuffler as that would be a great 15 point upgrade to take me to 1000, but oh well!
Arrayed for their first battle
  1. Boingrot Boss - Boss Arfa
  2. Squig Hopper - Ser Stabzalot
  3. Squig - Nasha
  4. Stabba - Skwire
  5. Stikka - Pokezit
  6. Netta - Prog da Netta
  7. Shoota - Redkap
  8. Shoota - Stikkit
  9. Shoota - Dibbz
More images are here.

My wife: Jack's Pack

Playing with your own toy mans is definitely the most fun, especially in a campaign setting like Necromunda, Blood Bowl or Warcry. So to let my wife do just that, I decided to create a custom warband for her, based on her somewhat eclectic mix of painted models. It was surprisingly easy and came to 995 points.
Jack, her first model and the warband's leader

Szczepan the Fanatic, and her best model to date (it is amazing for a third model!)
  1. Space Marine (Raptor-Prime with Hurricane Crossbow) - Jack
  2. Fanatic (Savage Orruk with Bone Totem) - Szczepan
  3. Sister of Battle with Meltagun (Grundstok Thunderer with Aetheric Fumigator but with +1 Move, +3 Wounds, and +20 points) - Jadwiga
  4. Guardsman (Goblin Shoota) - Willard Strawbelly
  5. Termagant (Namarti Reaver) - Terry 
  6. Termagant (Namarti Reaver) - Maggie
  7. Linerat (Skaven Clanrat with Shield) - Ratatouille
  8. Lineork (Savage Orruk Morboy) - Bjork da Orc
  9. Snotling (Gnoblar) - Fee
  10. Snotling (Gnoblar) - Dollop
Their abilities are:
  • The Termagants keep the Reavers' double ability, but renamed to "Living Ammunition"
  • The Skaven, Jadwiga, and a future pet get the Skaven universal double, renamed to "Hasty Retreat"
  • The Lineork gets his double, renamed to "Duff 'Em Up!"
  • Jack keeps the Rapid Fire triple
  • The Snotlings keep the Sneaky Traps triple
  • Szczepan loses the toughness buff, and gains the AoE damage quad that Idoneth and some other warbands have
With 10 models and decent shooting, I think this is a powerful warband. It lacks a terrifying melee bruiser, but Szczepan and Jadwiga can play that role well and there is a lot of damage overall.

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