Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Warcry House Rules

Warcry is a fun game which is easy to learn, but like most games it needs some tweaks. Below are my house rules, which are designed to make the game more sensible rather than to change the balance.

I'll update these as and when they need it.


  • RossMM is the GM/Arbitrator/Commissioner for these campaigns, and he reserves the right to make changes, such as helping weaker warbands compete with more powerful ones
  • When it comes to earning Glory after a battle, the underdog gets +1 Glory point per 100 points of difference in their warband limits
  • Monsters are not allowed
  • Mercenaries are not allowed
  • If you fail a (non-final) convergence twice (or more!), then you can choose to count as completing it rather than play it again. If you do you don't get Glory for that battle, but you do get the other rewards
  • Warbands have a "stash" that contains whatever currency they use: aether-gold, teef, souls, blood, skulls, bottles, whatever
    • Any points that are not used in founding their starting gang are added to their stash
    • Warbands can spend 1 Glory to add 100 points to their stash
    • Models are no longer hired using Glory, but are instead hired using points from their stash
  • Models don't really die, they just get so injured that they lose their stuff abd you have to pay to rehire them 
  • The Fractured Arm injury affects all attacks, not just melee ones

In game

  • Flying isn't measured horizontally; you measure diagonally along the shortest path they would take
  • When falling, roll a dice for fall damage for each full 3" that is fallen
  • Consumables which are used as an action are used as a bonus free action (otherwise they are mostly useless)

Warband rules

  • The Gloomspite Gitz Quad is too powerful, so instead of adding the dice value to all hits, it instead just adds that value to the total damage for that attack action

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