Monday, 24 June 2019

Blood Bowl Underworld: Conversions!

Once my Orc team is finished I have a choice to make: Boring Humans or Underworld next.


Of course I'm choosing Underworld!

So for the last week I've been building my players, and as mutations are a large part of the fun of the team I've decided to do some converting. And this is actual converting. I'm a pro at kitbashing, but for the first time in my life I've been using greenstuff of the non-liquid variety.

So what have I done?

A horned Linerat, with horns kindly donated by my previously-Necromantic, now Chaos-playing opponent
A Blitzer with a claw from the old Chaos mutations sprue
A Thrower with an extra arm. But where did that come from?
My conversion to represent Glart Smashrip (Jr.)!
Now that the disgusting Skaven are out of the way, it's on to the real stars of the team...
This one's not mutated, but I gave him the spare punch dagger from the Blitzer to differentiate him from the other player with the same body
This guy is growing some spikes / tentacles (TBD) from his neck
This is the mutation that they'll actually get on levelling up: Two Heads! Most people convert both of these looking forward, but that's too hard for my first go and this means he can see in all directions
And finally: Horns! My opponent doesn't know yet that he's donated another set of horns ;¬)
So that's what I've been up to, alongside painting my Black Orc Blockers (the first two of which I'll share when they're done). The non-BOB Orcs are all painted now, I just forgot to post them when I finished them.

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