Sunday, 13 January 2019

Blood Bowl league rules

These are the house rules I'm using for Blood Bowl (which I'll update as they change).

Please let me know if there's anything you think I'm missing.

Da rulez

  • We are using the 2016 GW version of the rules unless otherwise stated.
  • Piling On does not require a re-roll.
  • The Illegal Procedures rule is only in play if both coaches agree.
  • All teams, other than Dorfs, start with three free Fan Factor (that does count towards their TV). Dorfs can also start with it, so long as they apologise to every other coach in the league before their first game.
  • Wizards aren't allowed.

Da teamz

  • The team rosters are those taken from the 2017 Almanac or a later Spike! Magazine / Almanac.
  • Kislev, Bretonnian, and Khorne teams are allowed, based on their NAF rules.
  • Slann and Simyin are not allowed.
  • "Humans" are renamed to "Boring Humans" or "Empire" to differentiate them from about 12 other teams.
  • "Dwarfs" are renamed to "Boring Dwarfs" or "Dorfs" to differentiate them from Chaos Dwarfs. 
  • Khemri Blitzers and Throwers get Thick Skull (for fluff reasons: all other skellingtons get this so why don't they?)

Star Players

  • Fungus the Loon has been replaced by Szczepan.
  • There is a new star player named Sneakz who can be induced for 190k by everyone except Dorfs. His stats are 7-2-4-7 and he has the following skills: Loner, Diving Catch, Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Sure Feet.

Blood Bowl match report: Da Fragile Rokkaz vs. The Infected home leg

With the lists in my last post, it's on to the game!


I induced Szczepan (a.k.a. Fungus the Loon) for some added muscle and won +1 FAME, so clearly da fanz were excited about a home game :¬D The weather was good and we had no other special rules in effect, although my opponent said that as he was learning he wanted to use the Illegal Procedure rule. I'm not a fan of this as it's a bit harsh, but I relented and over the course of the game he lost maybe 3+ re-rolls due to it (out of 6) whilst I lost one. To his credit he said including the rule was the right thing to do, so he didn't begrudge losing so many re-rolls.

First half

I won the toss and elected to receive, in the hope that I could do enough damage with both special weapons on the pitch to make the second half easier.

My opponent deployed rather aggressively given he was kicking, whilst I spread out so that I could pick up the ball wherever it landed... unfortunately that was in my end zone, and after scattering it was on the edge of the pitch.
There was going to be a lot of punching from the start!
The undead were staring at some scary players >:¬)
Stupid ball!
The half started with Szczepan going on his Fanatic rampage and in his first swing he KO'd the only Flesh Golem on the pitch! Then he stunned a line Zombie and the Looney did the same to another Zombie.
Two stunned and no more Flesh Golem. Yay for violence!
And somehow my Gobbos managed to secure the ball!
That ball is almost as big as him!
Over the next few turns my ball carrier moved across from my bottom right third to form a cage on the left of the line of scrimmage, hoping that Szczepan would smash apart the undead on that flank. But no luck: somehow even with MV4 he managed to dodge around the opposition without hitting them, sometimes making no blocks out of 4 attempts! He's a dancer, not a fighter. IIRC my carrier got marked at one point, so I handed it off and moved the ball centrally behind my lines in the hope of clearing space for a break.

How we ended up after a bit of back-and-forth
A highlight for me during these turns was spotting the Werewolf on his own and sending my Looney at him like a squig-oil powered missile, KOing the ded 'un!

The Looney has a clear shot on (his version) of a goal: the Werewolf!
After a few turns of this jostling the clock was ticking down and I was down a Goblin due to a Badly Hurt result (thank you, Stunty!) and another one due to a ref who clearly doesn't understand what the crowd at a Goblin home game want. I hadn't moved past the line of scrimmage so I decided I had to make a dash for it.
This is about the point that I made my run to score
It involved a lot of Stunty-dodging, but with only one dodge needed for my ball carrier it was worth it. He ran through the gap, other unmarked players followed to screen, and the remainder dodged out and around to mark / screen the opposition as necessary. And then on my turn 8 Matt da Travella got it into touch!
A Both Down from The Infected gave me a Turnover and a clear run on goal
A traditional turn 8 Goblin deployment ;¬)

Second half
Things started badly for me this half. The KOd Werewolf and Flesh Golem had come back on turn 8 of the previous half, whilst only one of my two KOs came back even with the 're-roll' at the start of the second half. That meant it was 12 undead (one Zombie on the bench, obvs.) vs. 10 Goblins, with both Secret Weapons locked away in the stadium dungeons. I did at least win Cheering Fans again!
The thin green line
Very quickly I got overrun on my right flank, with the Werewolf surfing a Gobbo to clear a path for the Ghoul to score, leaving it 1-1 and me worried I'd be losing 2-1 before long.
The Ghoul / Girl makes it past what constitutes a Goblin defence
I set up to receive and was planning how to collect it and considering going for a throw teammate, even if that would just seal a draw. But then things went from bad to worse: a blitz on the kick-off table!
These Zombies were more 28 Days Later than Night of the Living Dead :¬(
At this point I thought I'd lost it, having screwed up by not properly securing my flanks when deploying, so I moved back as much as I could to secure the ball (and managed to pick it up). After my opponent's turn my ball carrier was two squares from my endzone with a positional of some ilk basing him, and the other three non-Flesh Golem positionals nearby.

I figured I had one shot at this so I went for it: my carrier dodged out and, using two GFIs, managed to reposition to my left flank. Then my other Goblins, who were all marked, managed to dodge out and through multiple tackle zones to screen him. Sprokkit (the green Troll) and a final Gobbo then moved as far forward as possible from the carrier in order to be ready for a handoff and throw team mate the next turn.
This is what I'd managed after all those Stunty dodges
This left his fast players on the other side of the pitch, and his Zombies with no easy way to get to my ball carrier. I can't remember how I got the turnover, but once I did my carrier ran forward, handed off to Bigmouf Brio, who in turn ran his little legs towards the endzone. I decided against the TTM as it just wasn't needed given how slow Zombies are.
Realising he'd lost, my opponent finally decided to make a proppa game of it and resorted to fouling, so whilst my carrier stalled by the endzone the game devolved into two areas of action: 8 undead fouling Fish Stikz the Troll (nothing :¬) ), and a handful of Goblins trying to foul a Ghoul (KO!) and a Werewolf (nothing :¬( ).
Fouling time!
And when turn 16 came around, Bigmouf Brio took one step forward and finished the match!

Post-match interview

That was such a good game, and so close! Until I managed to pull off my run from the right to the left flank in the second half it was almost certainly going to be 2-1 to my opponent, but Nuffle smiled on me and with the help of Stunty, Dodge, and a re-roll I made it by the skin of my teeth.

This was a match where I don't think the luck unduly favoured either of us: I got lucky taking out the Flesh Golem with the first action of the game, but I only got a KO on the opposition twice after that in the whole match (one of these was a T15 foul). And my Looney failed armour more times than is expected against AV8 models. We both had a lot of luck on dodging: he kept making 4+ dodge rolls with Zombies (not something I'd recommend trying), and I pushed Stunty-dodging to the extreme in a couple of turns which really mattered.

This is my opponent's first full game of Blood Bowl against another human, and he did very well. He over-committed his fast pieces at the end which let me slip away (one held back as a sweeper and I'd have had more trouble), but that's something we all do when we smell blood, and if that's the worst mistake in a match I think that's something to be proud of!

As for me:
  • I stand by my decision to play both Special Weapons from the start, as delaying bringing one on would have risked losing it to a sending off after a turn or two.
  • Bringing Bribes rather than the star player would have helped here, but buying a Bribe for one Looney seemed like overkill and I liked the extra strength Szczepan provided.
  • I forgot about the blitz result and it nearly lost me the game. I won't forget again!
  • I finished both halves with at least one re-roll left. Given I'd gained one in each half from kick-off results this seems OK, as whilst I could have started with only three there will be some games where I'll need to make more -2D blocks (which I avoided in this game).


Kutta Monsta the Looney deservedly won my MVP, I gained one Fan Factor, and pocketed 60k in winnings. The opposition awarded their MVP to the Werewolf, lost one Fan Factor (rolling snake eyes to do so!), and gained 40k.

I now need to decide what to do with the 150k sitting in the bank. If I don't spend it there's a risk Da Kaptin (my head coach) will blow some of it on 'shrooms, but I like the free inducements as they give me some flexibility. Alternatively I could hire...
  • A Fanatic of my own, who won't be as good as Szczepan but at least they don't have Loner and will skill up over time.
  • A Bomma, which is basically a turnover generator but good against AG2 players.
  • One of the other positionals, who all look fun and aren't reliant on Bribes.

Decisions, decisions...

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Blood Bowl rosters: Da Fragile Rokkaz vs. The Infected

As the match report itself is going to be rather long I figured I'd write a separate post with the rosters ahead of the match.

Note that one of my house rules is that each team starts with three free Fan Factor to reduce the chance of +2 FAME in early games (which can be a bit unfair).

The Infected (Necromantic Horrors)

This is the list my opponent took:

Werewolf        Crazy Dave
Flesh Golem   Jimbob
Ghoul             Zoe
Wight             Ash
Wight             Lionel
Zombie           Bill
Zombie           Louis
Zombie           Francis
Zombie           Nick
Zombie           Ellis
Zombie           Rochelle
Zombie           Coach
3 Re-rolls
3 Fan Factor (bonus)
= 1000 TV

He said this wasn't completely tailored, as if it was he'd have taken no Flesh Golems against my Goblins. Hmm, a 12-man regeneration starting line-up still feels pretty tough for Gobbos!

He was using the models from Zombicide, which I'd gotten him and his wife for Xmas a few years back.

Line infected
A Werewolf on the left (with the bloody hands) and a Ghoul (/ Girl) on the right

Da Fragile Rokkaz (Goblins)

Meanwhile this was my team:

Troll       Sprokkit
Troll       Fish Stikz
Looney   Kutta Monsta
Goblin    Gobo da Gobbo
Goblin    Tokey Mokey
Goblin    Wembley da Kikka
Goblin    Boober da Bonce
Goblin    Red da Rebel
Goblin    Matt da Travella
Goblin    Cantus da Shouta
Goblin    Bigmouf Brio
Goblin    Teefy Chuchu
Goblin    Handy Gettas
4 Re-rolls
3 Fan Factor (bonus)
= 930 TV

All my models, but not all can fit into a starting roster :¬(
I decided to minimise the number of secret weapons so I wouldn't be losing players due to 'unfair' refereeing decisions, and opted for the Looney just because he is good against any team. Against any non-Stunty starting team I'll also be guaranteed 60k+ of inducements, with some bank to top it up if needs be.

On the day I decided to induce Fungus the Loon (paying 10k out of my kitty to do so), as a Mighty Blow MV4 Fanatic seemed like it might help thin the numbers of the regenerating undead.
Fungus is known as Szczepan in our league, and he was painted very well by my fiancée :¬D

Friday, 11 January 2019

Blood Bowl Goblin Trolls and the finished team

I need Trolls for my Goblin team, obviously, but I couldn't use the official GW one for three reasons:
  1. I didn't want two of the same model.
  2. He is throwing a goblin from the official GW box, which looks nothing like a Night Goblin.
  3. I am going to use him for my Orc team.
So that meant buying some of these:
Fellwater Troggoths. I was sooo tempted to add the vomit, but decided against it (for now...)
 And these are the gents I made:

Fish Stikz
Why is he blue and not green? Because I wanted to paint a GW troll in the classic blue colour scheme!
A Rockgut Troggoth
And with these added the full team - Da Fragile Rokkaz - was complete on New Year's Eve, ready for their first game the Sunday after!

Blood Bowl Goblin positionals conversions

A pretty self-explanatory title, but I'll explain why I needed to convert them in the first place...

I got into Blood Bowl through the Blood Bowl 2 PC game. Prior to that I'd heard that it was meant to be the best game Games Workshop had ever produced, but as someone with little interest in fantasy (I'm more of a sci-fi person) and absolutely zero interest in American football (it's rugby with body armour, long breaks whilst the entire team changes, and no real flow) I didn't care.

But then it came up in one of the Steam sales and that, as they say, was that.

Who could not get excited by this!?
Fast forward a few months and some of my friend's kindly bought me the boxed game for my birthday, and since then I've played a few games with my fiancée to help her learn. But therein lies a problem: I've played the PC game a lot, so if I play with friends I stand a decent chance of pwnz0rizing them, or whatever the kids say these days, purely because they're newer to it than me.

So to solve that problem, and because I wanted to do some converting, I decided the first team I'd make would be Goblins using the Night Goblins range, not the 'official' GW team (especially as they had not yet released the remaining three positionals, which as of writing have only recently been announced).
These are the guys I bought
Fortunately I already had a Fanatic as I'd bought a box for my fiancée as she wanted to paint a goblin, and four of the rest were covered by the Night Goblins box. The remaining positional, the 'ooligan, I used a Gnoblar for (and thereby guaranteeing I would also have to convert an Ogre team :¬D ).

And so here they are...

Da Fanatic

I don't really need to explain this one. It's a Fanatic straight out of the (now old) box!

Da Looney

Using an Ork choppa and the bow arms this one was probably the easiest conversion.
Kutta Monsta

Da Bomma

A sack of Ork stikkbombs from the Ork Boyz box on his back, a spear arm cut off at the bottom and the top, and a stikkbomb head stuck to the end which I carved from a tube of spare plastic.
Doc Bunzen

Da Doom Diver

I created one in a bit of a flying Superman pose, and then hacked up the nets and stuck them to his sleeves to look like a goblin version of wings. It's not much, but hopefully it's enough to help him glide a few squares closer to the endzone!
Da Great Gonzo

Da Pogoer

This one was by far the most involved. The player himself has a spear arm in his right hand with no modification. In his left is the banna pole arm, with the pole itself cut off to match the spear in length.

The wooden slats he's standing on are simply bits of thin sprue that I cut to shape, whilst the bottom of the stilts are actually club heads from the same kit which I'd cut from the line goblins' hands, but turned upside down.
Kermit da Hoppa

Da 'ooligan

This gent is the Gnoblar with the bottle in his hand, plus the Fanatic head with mushrooms growing out of it. Perfick!
Statla Waaagh!-dorf

My first post! - My painting and board gaming history

I figured I'd get the ball rolling with a short history of my mini-painting and board gaming journey.

Ancient history

Way back when I was a kid board games were boring and something your parents forced you to play over Xmas and other holidays. Only Risk was really good (but I only played that with friends) and a few other rare exceptions. However I loved computer games including, but definitely not limited to, the Civilization series, which is basically a computerised board game.

However in 1997 when I was 13 a friend down the road from me showed me a couple of White Dwarfs he'd borrowed from another friend, and I was AMAZED! The gaming side of it sounded fun, but for me the ability to build and paint my own models was what clinched it (I also loved Lego). There was a picture on the back of the White Dwarf showing a Blood Angels army with Death Company fighting Tyranids, I think even with a Screamer Killer Carnifex model. Naturally I bought a few blister packs and MPPKs of Space Marines and painted some up, just as 3rd edition of Warhammer 40k was starting. But as my friend never really got into it himself, my interest faded after my first 15 models or so and I dropped it.

My first ever painted model! Dual-wielding bolters because rule of cool, natch.
Briefly in 6th form I started again, painting about one model, before dropping it again.

My paint wasn't as thick when I was 17, but my skills were still basic


Initially at university I was all about the music and the drinking, like most people. But after a couple of years I got back into painting as a flatmate was doing it and had joined the university wargaming society, which was actually a bunch of board gamers who tolerated three (with me: four) 40k players on the side. Someone else was playing Blood Angels which meant unique snowflake me didn't want to do them, and I ruled out Dark Eldar as well as they were rumoured to be getting an update soon. This was 2004, the new Dark Eldar models were released in 2010, and I learnt to ignore rumours.

My full T'au army, minus the Fireblade I bought and painted when that model was released
So I signed up for the Greater Good and built up a 1500pt force of them over the next couple of years, and a 1000pt force of almost-exclusively infantry Space Marines. Who wear brown armour as, again, I am a unique snowflake. Mean people call them the poo marines :¬(

Most but not all of my Space Marines (more have been painted since). They're not heretics, honest!
In addition to a dalliance with Orks (who got me back into painting as they were sooo much more fun to paint than anything I'd done before) that was everything I'd painted, and having stopped playing 40k due to LIFE at the end of 4th edition, it was something I came back to every year or so for a few models before putting it all away again.

An example of a model a painted in one of my brief returns to the hobby. He's pretty good!


But things have changed. A side effect of that university wargaming club that was actually a board gaming club is I played one modern board game called Arkham Horror, and I quite enjoyed it. And so over the years since then I've gotten more and more into modern board games (helped by other friends who are even geekier than me).

So now I have a lot of board games myself, from simple things I'm happy to share with my not-so-geeky friends (e.g. Ticket to Ride: Europe) to ones that are exclusively for geeky friends (e.g. Relic).

And I've gotten back into painting Games Workshop miniatures, albeit still somewhat intermittently and definitely slowly. That includes some of their boxed games I will one day paint (maybe): Space Hulk and Deathwatch: Overkill.

Probably still the best painting I've done yet, especially the Ultramarine second-from-left.
But a year ago my friend's clubbed together to buy me the Blood Bowl boxed game for my birthday, as to my own surprise I'd fallen in love with the rules after having played the PC game, and that is what I'm mostly about now.

I bought these just because they are gorgeous models. I also did a good job on the commissar
So that, in a grotesquely oversized nutshell, is what this blog is about: me painting models and playing board games.