Friday, 11 January 2019

Blood Bowl Goblin positionals conversions

A pretty self-explanatory title, but I'll explain why I needed to convert them in the first place...

I got into Blood Bowl through the Blood Bowl 2 PC game. Prior to that I'd heard that it was meant to be the best game Games Workshop had ever produced, but as someone with little interest in fantasy (I'm more of a sci-fi person) and absolutely zero interest in American football (it's rugby with body armour, long breaks whilst the entire team changes, and no real flow) I didn't care.

But then it came up in one of the Steam sales and that, as they say, was that.

Who could not get excited by this!?
Fast forward a few months and some of my friend's kindly bought me the boxed game for my birthday, and since then I've played a few games with my fiancée to help her learn. But therein lies a problem: I've played the PC game a lot, so if I play with friends I stand a decent chance of pwnz0rizing them, or whatever the kids say these days, purely because they're newer to it than me.

So to solve that problem, and because I wanted to do some converting, I decided the first team I'd make would be Goblins using the Night Goblins range, not the 'official' GW team (especially as they had not yet released the remaining three positionals, which as of writing have only recently been announced).
These are the guys I bought
Fortunately I already had a Fanatic as I'd bought a box for my fiancée as she wanted to paint a goblin, and four of the rest were covered by the Night Goblins box. The remaining positional, the 'ooligan, I used a Gnoblar for (and thereby guaranteeing I would also have to convert an Ogre team :¬D ).

And so here they are...

Da Fanatic

I don't really need to explain this one. It's a Fanatic straight out of the (now old) box!

Da Looney

Using an Ork choppa and the bow arms this one was probably the easiest conversion.
Kutta Monsta

Da Bomma

A sack of Ork stikkbombs from the Ork Boyz box on his back, a spear arm cut off at the bottom and the top, and a stikkbomb head stuck to the end which I carved from a tube of spare plastic.
Doc Bunzen

Da Doom Diver

I created one in a bit of a flying Superman pose, and then hacked up the nets and stuck them to his sleeves to look like a goblin version of wings. It's not much, but hopefully it's enough to help him glide a few squares closer to the endzone!
Da Great Gonzo

Da Pogoer

This one was by far the most involved. The player himself has a spear arm in his right hand with no modification. In his left is the banna pole arm, with the pole itself cut off to match the spear in length.

The wooden slats he's standing on are simply bits of thin sprue that I cut to shape, whilst the bottom of the stilts are actually club heads from the same kit which I'd cut from the line goblins' hands, but turned upside down.
Kermit da Hoppa

Da 'ooligan

This gent is the Gnoblar with the bottle in his hand, plus the Fanatic head with mushrooms growing out of it. Perfick!
Statla Waaagh!-dorf

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