A little something I made for fun in preparation for Xmas!
In case it's not obvious, the one on the left is a green normal Space Marine, and the one on the right is a member of the Death Company.
My adventures in board gaming and model painting (mainly Blood Bowl and other Games Workshop models)
A little something I made for fun in preparation for Xmas!
In case it's not obvious, the one on the left is a green normal Space Marine, and the one on the right is a member of the Death Company.
I started these four just before Xmas and, after not touching them for three months, I finished them just before Easter.
They're lovely models, although they're so detailed that it can be a pain to get paint into some of their nooks and crannies.
Contrast paint worked well on them: it formed the base for the wood of their bodies, and it's all I used for the loincloths and cherry blossoms. I also used it to (kinda-sorta) blend between the wood and tendrils on the body of Ylthari, the spellcaster.