Sunday, 17 November 2019

Painting: Stormcast Eternal Liberator

I'm a sci-fi person by default, be it Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, or 40k. Fantasy settings are fine, but they just don't get me as excited unless they're the Discworld.

Bearing that in mind, this is the first Warhammer Fantasy model I have painted in probably 20 years or so. I painted two Saurus Warriors when I was first starting, and they are now very outdated models and were very basically painted by me (they're in a box somewhere and I can't be bothered to hunt for them to prove this point).

So here is everything bang up to date, with a new-style GW fantasy miniature (got free from the front of the White Dwarf when Age of Sigmar first launched), and my improved painting skills. Unfortunately my camera skills are still shit, as I swear he looks better in person!

It has to be said that I generally hate Stormcast Eternals. It might be the fact that they're usually bright gold (never a good look, especially in a post-Trump election world), they're supposedly super-lawful good, or their obvious spess-mareens-but-in-fantasy-omg design aesthetic.

But this guy was a lot of fun to paint, and he came out even better than I hoped, as I really like this scheme. It's how I'd always intended to paint a Sister of Battle if I ever did one, and it's nice to know it works.

He's not as grungy as I'd considered going (see this guy for a source of inspiration), but as the metal is muted I think he avoids the too-shiny look that I personally dislike (see this guy as an example of that, but which was otherwise a very helpful bit of inspiration for me).

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