Sunday, 31 January 2021

Painting: Chainrasp

Just a quick one, but I'm very proud as I painted this guy in one short painting session, which is nothing like me.

My wife was very shocked that I'd finished him whilst she'd been sitting painting next to me!

I'll go easier on the Hexwraith Flame (the green) next time, but otherwise I'm very happy with how he looks given the fast painting time. A lot of the time was waiting for things to dry, so these guys will really shine with batch painting. It's just a shame I only have three painting handles ;¬)

Friday, 29 January 2021

Adventures in Contrast: Warcry Chaotic Beasts

I painted my first Warhammer model in 1998. Since then, I have painted over 300 models, covering:

  • Over a dozen Blood Angels (when I was starting)
  • A full 4th Edition T'au Empire army
  • A full 4th Edition Space Marine army of my own Chapter
  • A handful of random Space Marines from different Chapters over the years
  • Four Deathwatch Marines
  • An Ork warband for Combat Patrol
  • Three Dark Eldar
  • An Orlock gang
  • Three Ratskins
  • Two Saurus Warriors
  • Random Imperial Guardsmen in different colour schemes
  • Two Regimental Advisors
  • A squad of Tempestus Scions with a Commisar
  • Some random Tyranids
  • A squad of Genestealer Cult Neophytes
  • A Goblin Blood Bowl team
  • An Orc Blood Bowl team
  • One Craftworld Eldar
  • Círdan the Shipwright
  • A Moonclan Grot warband for Warcry
  • A Stormcast Eternal warband for Warcry
  • Four trees

Notice anything? I have never painted a single Chaos model, even though they exist in every. single. one. of GW's settings. I guess I have always been more of a xenos player, but this is crazy. The closest I've ever come is my Space Marine chapter, who use the odd bit of Chaos Marine wargear as they're short of supplies.

So Warcry has given me the chance to finally paint some very naughty boys, and here they are:


Yes, my photo-taking set-up is still rubbish.

In order of painting, we have:

  • Nurgle Fury, who was done entirely using classic paint
  • Khorne Fury, who was mostly Contrast other than the wing membranes
  • Dark brown Fury to test out Wyldwood Contrast as skin
  • Tzeentch Raptoryx, using classic paints
  • Slaanesh Raptoryx, which is classic other than on the feathers and the bone / claws
  • Fleshy Raptoryx, who is almost entirely Contrast and was a real experiencing in shading up rather than the classic approach

They were a lot of fun to do, and I loved the chance to paint similar models in very different schemes.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

I aten't ded!

I haven't died, I've just been distracted by many other things since I last posted, which has meant I've not done much in the way of painting.

First, I got distracted by Stellaris, where I met a new friend whom I dubbed 'Bubbles'.


I then discovered that the Star Trek Attack Wing game isn't a terrible rip-off of X-Wing, but in fact licenced the same engine and has multiple copies of Worf. So I bought into that and ended up playing it with my wife in person, and online through Tabletop Simulator with friends.

Pew pew pew!
Yes, those are Kazon ships. No, I do love my stupid, rubbish children.

My proudest moment on TTS was winning with Bajorans against a Species 8472 ship and a Romulan Valdore class.

Bajorans are bad but fun

Then my PC broke, so I had to buy a new one. Which meant I could finally go from playing Total War Warhammer on the lowest possible settings - and still play it like a slideshow - to playing Total War Warhammer 2 on the max settings.

But I don't have any pictures of that, so here's another picture of Bubbles!

I was so proud :¬)