Monday, 23 March 2020

Scenery: Warcry scenery all built!

It's been literally 15 years since I last built and painted any scenery, and that was a set of the small jungle trees GW used to sell.
Oh. Em. Jee.
So this was a mammoth undertaking for me, but with the lockdown in place I had the chance to do it whilst on my nth conference call of the day.
I am not looking forward to painting all of this!

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Warcry Goblins: Da gitz are ready!

My Grots are finally ready to take to the Eightpoints! The final batch were these three 'knights', which were as much fun to paint as the original one I did last year as my test model. This really is a lovely kit with so much character, and it's just fun to build your own customised models.
And here are all da lads assembled, after only ~4 months:
The above is obviously too much for a starting warband, but it gives me options both for starting and for expanding.

The list

Gloomspite Gitz are apparently the most powerful warband in Warcry if you build them accordingly. As I'm looking to keep it fun and narrative, I've therefore chosen a starting list which has some of the good models, but isn't crazy-good:
  1. Boingrot Bounder Boss
  2. Squig Hopper
  3. Squig
  4. Netta
  5. Stikka
  6. Stabba
  7. Shoota
  8. Shoota
  9. Shoota
Nine models, 985 points, and one of everything but a Herda (who will come later). Nice!