Sunday, 27 October 2019

Blood Bowl Orcs painting: The finished team!

Orcsenal are finally finished, and just in time for Orctober!
The best photo of the front row
Here the back row are in focus
I love painting orcs / orks in this scheme (it's an update of the scheme I used for the small force of 40k orks I've painted), but I have only painted Blood Bowl models for the last year or so, which has lead to two full teams with spares. Therefore I need my palette* to be fully cleansed before I paint anything else Blood Bowl-related. So expect the next models to appear on here to be a little out of left field**.

* Pun not intended, but I'm leaving it in anyway
** Ditto

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Blood Bowl Orcs painting: Final Lineorc

The title speaks for itself!
Left has no flash, right has flash
So now I just need to add their numbers and varnish them, and then this team is done! :¬D

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Blood Bowl Orcs painting: Goblin #2

My initial intention had been to only paint one Goblin for my Orc team, but the model I chose is the least interesting of those in the kit, and for a 'full' roster I might eventually need two. So I decided to suck it up and paint a second one, who will probably become the one I will field because he looks awesome!
One Orc Lineman to go, then it's just a case of sticking on numbers and varnishing them and this team is done!